17 January 2011

Beautiful, Sunny Sky

The Moscow sky was something to behold today:  crisp sunny blue, cloudless, with tinge of gold that comes with high-latitude sun skirting the horizon more closely than it does in California.  There was only one small problem.  When I left the house for work, it was 0 ... fahrenheit.

Frozen Sun

And I thought that sunshine and warmth were correlated.


  1. Too cool- this looks alot like the front of the sun valley lodge in sun valley idaho where i got married

  2. As a Swiss meteorologist, I can give you an explanation for the phenomenon: as long as there are clouds, the warmth of the soil is retained and cannot evade. But if the clouds disappear and the sun comes out, the warmth vanishes into the universe. Yet the sun warms up again the soil but this takes a lot of time. So, people first feel cold when the sun comes out and they only begin to feel the warmth much later when the sun might be gone again and black clouds are back. Bon, en tout cas, c'est comme ça en Suisse, peut-être c'est différent en Russie.
    Anyway, feliz cumpleaños amigo! Beni
